Friday, May 16, 2008

Message from the TV

It is amazing how you can find strength and peace in the most unlikely place. Today has been a trying day for me. My mother whom I am more alike than I am ready to admit has begun to decline. She was a strong willed, brilliant, articulate, caring, crafty, loving, and tender.. now is a shell of that person I loved so and was so afraid of turning into.. It is hard to see and hear her now crying and pleading for some peace.. what are we supposed to do but try and provide some comfort for her and spend as much time with her as we can... At this moment I can't imagine not being able to see her or caress her delicate hands.. have her look at me with those ageless eyes and tell me with them that she loves me, she is proud of me, and she admires all i have done..

I came home today from work, cleaned the house, and quietly sat and prayed over the events today.. I prayed that I will find the strength to get through this closing chapter gracefully.. I prayed to God to please give me a sign she hears me.. Here is a song that was on tv..

Next video is my favorite song that captures my parents courting... I post it in their honor. I hope you enjoy..

Tomorrow is another day.. I will remember to breathe and find strength and peace in music, my dogs, and the simple things in life..

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