Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I havent spoken to my sister in 3 weeks. Of course, it is over something petty like money and her lack of responsibility. Going into the details is irrelevant now. I am sadden by it but at the same time tired of trying and trying, giving and giving, saving and saving. When is it going to be enough? Probably never. Is that what I am supposed to do as the BIG sister? I don't know. What I do know is that she uses my niece and nephew as pawns and that is upsetting. My nephew's birthday and middle school graduation is coming up in a few weeks. I wonder if by then she will need me again? Who knows. I know this what I have learned is that she needs to take care of her family first and be more diligent on her finances and I need to stop being an enabler and let her fall so she can get up on her own.

1 comment:

earthmama said...

i'm so sorry things are rough. i'll call you tomorrow! love you!