Thursday, June 18, 2009

Come on down

I took a break from summer school to attend a couple of job fairs and interviews on T and W. Both went well. Job fairs are like cattle calls, not very productive and much face time but at least I was able to put a face with a resume and lets face it I am hard to forget.. (lucky me).. I also cleaned my house completely, finding all the dust bunny hiding places which were many and somehow with Squishy we were able to eradicate the demonic dust bunnies and DOG hair which co-habitated with the bunnies from every corner, shelf, electronics, and furniture.. We even power washed the entire exterior of the house which desperately needed it.. It felt good to get all that cleaning done. I must admit that the dog hair is a never ending story.. I can clean relentlessly and then bring them in and it starts all over again..

On top of all my cleaning and traveling to visit my Temple family (which I had a splendid time and I wished I could have done more to help out), my sister called me and we have since talked.. She is going through something now and needs someone to lean on. I am glad she called..

Well I have a few more hours of work today and I am off for the weekend. I think Frank and I are going to finally finish his house, the laundry room remains left to be floored and his house needs to be staged. I hope he can sell and make a good profit for all the hard work that has been done..

1 comment:

earthmama said...

you helped a lot, friend...i just had no idea i'd need that kind of help when you came. :)

as for helping me get the house ready...i just look at it like i'm pacing myself...don't want to burn out too quickly, you know?'s a marathon, not a sprint, and all that jazz. :)