Thursday, February 11, 2010

Red Tape..

As I am trying to prepare for my trip to India I have run into the perverbial government red tape. I sent my passport off in January for my visa which is a 7 day process. As of today, I have not received it. I was told today the consulate wants more paperwork regarding the adoption. I included the paperwork when I applied. I am beyond frustrated and my agency here is flustered. I am suppose to fly out on Sat. from Houston and have all my arrangements in Delhi already made. Now I have to wait for someone to review my application again and approve a visa.. Wait for someone to tell me I can finally depart on a journey long in waiting.. Wait again to be disappointed that this is not falling into place.. It reminds me of my last adoption journey. I wonder if this is a sign that this is not meant to be.. I am not to be blessed with a child or experience parenthood..

I just dont know anymore!

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