Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I started this post about a month ago but never finished it. I think I was going to post about the cycles of friends/friendship but after that I am not sure. Therefore, I will chat about what has been going on since Nov. I am in the last stages of alleviating a huge burden I have been carrying around since June. Hopefully, it was be lifted by the end of this year. Much of everything I have been stressing over is coming to an end and I really can start the new year with a fresh start.

School has been good although the commute is horrible... I can think of many more adjectives to describe it but I will keep this post PG. I often ask myself in the morning if this drive is worth it? Then I get here and work with my kids and partner and realize it is.. But, on my way home (often very late), I wonder again.. I have 10 more days and I will have 2 weeks off.. Hooray! On another school front, I completed my internship class @ UTSA and I will finally get my masters' diploma.. It seems my worry cycles are ending..

Lastly, I wanted to post about friends. I have a good friend whom I have known for over 20 years. He is funny, brilliant, cynical, fluffy, loyal, and giving. We often go through months of simple chatter on the phone just to check if each other is still alive. However, now that I work closer to him I find myself staying and spending more time with him. I compare him to your favorite pair of jeans that either hides in your closet or drawers and is re-discovered during cleaning or a crisis of need. These jeans make you feel good, comfort your body and soul, smell familiar, and bring back to you peace and hope. Frank has been my pair of jeans lately and I am glad I have him..

Still breathing....

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