Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Letting go

It has been a while since my last post and I am disappointed about that. I have been busy with work and the many new responsibilities I have there. Thus far, I have learned by letting go of the things I used to hold so proudly such as my stubbornness, my anxieties, my family's lack of patience, and my cynical views of the world I am a much happier, peaceful, and brighter person. I have had a rough year so far and it doesn't look like it is going to get any better anytime soon with the economy where is it at now. Having faith in a greater good and that all will eventually will work out, I can get through each day a little at a time. I am thankful that I have a wonderful bunch of students who bring joy, laughter, curiosity, some frustration (can't all be good :), and amazement to my daily life. I have a partner teacher who basically saves me ass each day as I arrive to work @ 8ish because I delayed getting up for the hour drive to work.. The faculty and staff have been so supportive, gracious, humorous, and inviting; for the first time in my career I feel I belong here for the right reasons, I feel I could stay here for a long time affecting change. (But why does it have to be here? which is so far.) I ask that question often as I am driving to work in the morning watching the life around me rise to the new day. Although, life for me now is fragile and uncertain. I am optimistic about the future. I pray for grace, forgiveness, and peace of mind. Lastly, I hope to some day soon rid myself of these fears. It is a monkey that I have been carrying around for a while and it is a burden that I am growing weary of. Maybe I will find a rainbow soon..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have faith in you that things will get better with time. Trust me, taking that same drive I question why it is so far. I miss chatting with you and laughing about everything. We need to catch up...